CTW Probe© Analysis Software

Release notes, help and more

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FAQ – Computer specifications needed for using CTW Probe software

  • Dell (or similar main-stream (HP)) laptop of INTEL 8th Generation i7 (or more) with Multi-core processor
  • 12 GB RAM (or more!)
  • Solid State hard drive – SS
  • Win10/11 and 64 bit are required
  • Three USB ports or a quality USB hub

RELEASE NOTES: Ver23.7.13.2023

  • Probe Ver / July 2023

    CTW Automation presents: release notes for Probe version

    •   Feature 4698 ** Roehrig Shock6 Data File – open directly from within CTW-Probe
    •   User Story 4691 ** Sort data files in order opened
    •   User Story 4748 ** Show Digital IO Signals in Diagnostic View
    •  User Story 4692 ** ability to run a test without the “run test speed” command selected
    •  User Story 4700 ** Batch together similar notifications
    •  Feature 4740 ** Performance – Dramatically speed up shock report generation
    •  Feature 4740 ** Performance – Reduce memory usage of runs being plotted.
    •  Feature 4740 ** Performance – Speed up file loading.
    •  Bug 4715 ** LA Commands Showing up in Live View with Rotary Dyno
    •  Bug 4719 ** “Unable to Set Cell Value” on clicking rod force
    •  Bug 4720 ** Reset to default layout occasionally cause probe to become very slow/lockup
    •  Bug 4739 ** FFT Shows Wrong Units/Magnitude
    •  Bug 4752 ** GroupByArea groups not displaying

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