January 2025
Current version of CTW Probe© software (next release Jan 2025)

RD5-LS with optional stand
RD5 Long Stroke – Mountain Bike and Motorcycle Dyno
CTW introduces the RD5-LS to fit the market space between the tabletop machines and the industry large frame crank type dynos.
This remarkable machine is designed specifically for the Mountain Bike – Motorcycle – Scooter and 4X4 industry.
Standard features:
- 5HP AC motor with computer controlled variable speed drive
- 5K Pancake load cell for +/- 5,000 lbf. range
- 4 Clamp cross bar
- Columns for 50 in / 1275mm test opening
- Strokes (7) in Metric
- 25 – 40 – 50 – 75 – 100 – 125 – 150 mm
- Velocities up to 2.50 m/sec
- Depends on the stroke
- Depends on the damper force
- IR-Temperature sensor and quick release mount
- CTW Probe© analysis software
- Clevis fixtures, ½” with pins and brass buttons – set
- Input power 200-240 VAC I/III phase – 40 /23.8 A(i)
- Option for 380/440/480 VAC three phase
- 1-Year Support package
Options Software:
- PVP Validation – updating to CTW Pro allows the user to validate the PVP data into pass/fail
Options / Hardware:
- Longer columns +12”
- Win11 laptop set-up for the dyno
- Range of custom and fixtures including
- Motorcycle damper & fork
- Bicycle
- Extra-large ID
- NIST traceable calibrations
- Safety Enclosure
- Full CE style safety interlock
- Combines with enclosure
- Door locked when moving
- Dyno armor to protect the top plate
- User logo engraved
Worldwide Dealers for CTW Products
Australia –
Performance Wholesale Australia
6 Cronulla Court
Slacks Creek, QLD 4127
Ph: +61 7 38081986
Email: sales@pwa-au.com.au
Website: https://www.performancewholesale.com.au/
Queensland Speedway Spares
2 Cronulla Court
Slacks Creek, QLD 4127
Ph: +61 7 38084333
Email: qss@pwa-qss.com
Website: https://www.speedwayspares.com.au/
Japan –
224-1 Haneo, Odawara, Kanagawa 256-0804
Contact sales: Shingo Sobu
Ph: +81-465-46-7408
Email: info@enable-apg.jp
Website: https://www.enable-apg.jp/
China –
Shenzhen Lynag Technology Co., Ltd
Ph: +86-0755-28507276
Email: info@lynag.com
Website: www.lynag.com
India –
Tii Techno Testing Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
403, Mariegold Building, Neco Gardens
Viman Nagar, Pune 411014, India
web: www.ti-india.com
email: ram@ti-india.com
All CTW Automation products come with:
* 1-year warranty
* 1-year Support contract that allows the owner to have unlimited phone, e-mail, and TeamViewer remote access so that CTW can make sure you have the answers to questions quickly and easily. These can also be purchased by current Roehrig dyno owners as we can help with those as well.
Places to find CTW Automation….
Website: www.CTWAutomation.com
Facebook: fb – CTW Automation
Facebook CTW Group: CTW Automation – Shock and Damper Dyno Group
- For the advanced user and common questions
YouTube: CTW YouTube
- Home for training videos
- Demonstrations and teaching
Instagram: ctw_automation
Sales: sales@ctwautomation.com
Support: support@ctwautomation.com